



I was reading this page : C++ Tip: How To Get Array Length. The writer presented a piece of code to know the size of static arrays.

template<typename T, int size>
int GetArrLength(T(&)[size]){return size;} // what does '(&)' mean ?
int arr[17];
int arrSize = GetArrLength(arr); // arrSize = 17

Could anyone please shed the light on this code, because I couldn't understand how it really works.

+7  A: 

The function is passed a reference (&) to an array of type T, and size size.

I am sorry but I could not understand why should we pass a reference of an array ? :)
because that way it doesn't make a copy of the array to pass it in to the function.
@Goz arrays are not copied in C/C++ when passed, the name of the array is the reference. Am I wrong ?
@AraK: the array will indeed be passed as a pointer. The code just makes this explicit. It's a needless optimization.
The only way an array can be passed to a function is as a reference. Arrays can not be passed by value. If you try, it decays to a pointer. And if the function receives a pointer, the array size information has been lost. The only way to make the size information visible to the function is to pass a reference to the array.

Wow, that's tricky. I don't know either, but if you keep reading down into the comments on that page:

is essentially

int arr[17]; int arrSize = GetArrLength(arr);

which creates this function:

int GetArrLength(int(&)[17]){return 17;}

So & must mean reference like it always does, so it's taking a reference of the array type and the size (second item in the template) is then the size of the incoming array.

Think I'll stick with old

the problem with your sizeof trick is that it fails silently if the array decays to a pointer. Then you get the wrong result, but no errors or warnings. The template trick the OP shows will fail to compile if passed a pointer.
I agree with Jaif (note: +1): Using the reference-array trick is the right way to extract the size of an array. This is how Visual C++ implements its C++ strcpy_s (and similar) functions. The sizeof will fail silently on C++.
+1  A: 


Won't catch errors if the array degrads to a pointer type, but it will still compile!

Templated version is bullet proof.

+1  A: 

T(&)[size] is reference to T[size]. If you don't use reference C++ will treat T[size] as T*, and function template parameter deduction would not work.