I have a problem that I cannot understand
I am trying to make my webservice work from a class. I try'd to echo the xml from some function in a controllerclass, but that diddn't work. So, I moved the xml around to a place where it did work.
That means that I placed it before the loader function is called. That's where it still works. If I place the xml underneath the call to the loader function it's not working anymore. Thus the loader function somehow is preventing it to work.
I used this mvc model as an example how to do it. Sofar it all worked, except for the xml implementation now.
This is where it starts
include "registraties/includes/config.php";
include (MYSQL);
/*** include de init.php file ***/
include 'includes/init.php';
/*** laad de router ***/
$registratie->router = new router($registratie);
/*** set het pad van de controller map ***/
$registratie->router->setPad ('controller');
/*** laad de template ***/
$registratie->template = new template($registratie);
header('Content-type: text/xml');
$status_code = 2;
$output= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n";
$output.= "<response>\n";
$output.= "\t<status>$status_code</status>\n";
$output.= "\t<fout>$gebruikersnaam</fout>\n";
$output.= "</response>";
echo trim($output);
/*** laad de controller ***/
// at this place the xml does not work
this is the router class with the loader function in it
class router {
* @de registratie
private $registratie;
* @het pad naar de controller map
private $pad;
private $args = array();
public $bestand;
public $controller;
public $actie;
function __construct($registratie) {
$this->registratie = $registratie;
* @set controller directory pad
* @param string $pad
* @return void
function setPad($pad) {
/*** check of map bestaat***/
if (is_dir($pad)){
/*** set het pad ***/
$this->pad = $pad;
throw new Exception ('Ongeldig controller pad: `' . $pad . '`');
* @laad the controller
* @access public
* @return void
public function loader(){
/*** check de route ***/
/*** als het bestand niet bestaat ***/
if (is_readable($this->bestand) == false){
$this->bestand = $this->pad.'/error404.php';
$this->controller = 'error404';
/*** include de controller ***/
include $this->bestand;
/*** een nieuwe controller class instance ***/
$class = $this->controller . 'Controller';
$controller = new $class($this->registratie);
/*** check of actie is callable ***/
if (is_callable(array($controller, $this->actie)) == false){
$actie = 'index';
$actie = $this->actie;
/*** voer de actie uit ***/
* @get de controller
* @access private
* @return void
private function getController() {
/*** get de route van de url ***/
$route = (empty($_GET['url'])) ? '' : $_GET['url'];
if (empty($route)){
$route = 'index';
/*** krijg de segmenten van de route ***/
$parts = explode('/', $route);
$this->controller = $parts[0];
if(isset( $parts[1])){
$this->actie = $parts[1];
if (empty($this->controller)){
$this->controller = 'index';
/*** get actie ***/
if (empty($this->actie)){
$this->actie = 'index';
/*** set het bestands adres ***/
$this->bestand = $this->pad .'/'. $this->controller . 'Controller.php';
thanks, Richard