For educational purposes, I am using cstrings in some test programs. I would like to shorten strings with a placeholder such as "...".
That is, "Quite a long string"
will become "Quite a lo..."
if my maximum length is set to 13. Further, I do not want to destroy the original string - the shortened string therefore has to be a copy.
The (static) method below is what I come up with. My question is: Should the class allocating memory for my shortened string also be responsible for freeing it? What I do now is to store the returned string in a separate "user class" and defer freeing the memory to that user class.
const char* TextHelper::shortenWithPlaceholder(const char* text, size_t newSize) {
char* shortened = new char[newSize+1];
if (newSize <= 3) {
strncpy_s(shortened, newSize+1, ".", newSize);
else {
strncpy_s(shortened, newSize+1, text, newSize-3);
strncat_s(shortened, newSize+1, "...", 3);
return shortened;