



How to write prepared statements for SQLite in iPhone? Is it possible to do SQL Injection in iPhone apps that use sqlite db?

+2  A: 

I would suggest that if you're starting to develop an iPhone app now you should probably use Core Data rather than coding directly to SQLite. Having said that, creating a prepared statement is simple and well documented:

sqlite3_stmt* statement_handle;
sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, "select a,b from Table where c = ?", -1, &statement_handle, NULL);

And yes, it is possible to have SQL injection attacks in a badly coded application. Using prepared statements goes a long way to avoid it.

Stephen Darlington
Core data is new to iPhone 3.0 right? SQLite would be safe bet, i believe, until Core Data penetrates well into the user base
My feeling is that most people who actually buy apps already have 3.0 or will upgrade shortly. Unfortunately there's very little solid data to work on.
Stephen Darlington
Potentially there are things you can do more readily with SQLite than with Core Data
Absolutely. Core Data isn't the only option nor is it necessarily the best in all circumstances. But it's a good default.
Stephen Darlington

Along with Core Data, I'd also recommend looking at a higher level iPhone SQLite library such as: FMDB

Is that "along with" or "as an alternative to"? I've been working with SQLite myself, and need to start the switchover...
I was thinking Core Data **or** FMDB