Im toying with the idea of offering to make my school a website for their library. I am an intermediate php programmer with advanced front end skills (started off as a designer). Was hoping someone would have some suggestions best way to approach the project.
3If I were you I'd look into open source systems and alter them.
This looked promising:
I am an intermediate php programmer with advanced front end skills (started off as a designer).
I'd strongly suggest PHP then...though, if you really want the gig and your school has an IT staff that will support it, then you may be better off (both in terms of getting the job, as well as less calls about it later) doing it in whatever language/platform they choose.
Was hoping someone would have some suggestions best way to approach the project.
Get or make up some requirements first. If it's just an info site, then there's not much to do but get designing. If you're going for something more full-featured - like checking-out/reserving books, due date reminders, online catalog, etc. then you need to figure out where the data resides and how to get access to it.
i would like to have a full feature set. checked-in checked-out due back seems like data entry is the toughest part
A $50 barcode scanner, and an ISBN lookup should make relatively short work of it (assuming it's not already in some other database - a lot of libraries already have electronic card catalog systems or counter checkout systems that you may be able to tap into).
I'm not sure if you're trying to make $$, as a community service, or as laerning experience. The build vs. buy line would be slightly different depending on what you're trying to accomplish.
As an example, if it's a community service - then you should probably just ask around to other libraries...being non-profits and all, they'd probably be more than happy to share any code they have licenses to.
If you're trying to make $$, your best bet is to simply sell a turnkey solution - as I wouldn't want to compete at $400/year. Charge time for consulting and getting the system running, and move on.
I'll be the voice of dissent here and say that having worked with PHP and its related frameworks for years, Python and the Django framework are a breath of fresh air.
Django's database/ORM works very nicely, python's syntax is simpler to work with than PHPs, and python has a very active community of module developers. Setting up your database models for books and library members, and associating the necessary checkout and renewal times are all easy things in Django. You can devote more of your effort to making a great front-end for it so people will want to use it.
It took me under a week to get a good grasp of python and django coming from PHP. It's not a bad learning curve.
That's just my two cents.