




I can't find a way to use the source server tools from the Debugging Tools for Windows on a static library project, which is built separately from the solutions actually using that library: The output of "ssindex.cmd" always displays "zero source files found" for the PDB file generated for the library (using compiler options /ZI and /Fd).

Running "srctool.exe -r" on this PDB displays nothing, which probably means that the PDB file does not contain any source file information. Running the same command on the PDB file of a test application which is also build as part of the the same solution yields a list of all expected source files.

Is there a way to use source indexing for a static library project when it should be built seperately from the solutions using it?

Thanks for any suggestions!


It probably means you haven't inputed the correct directories when running "ssindex" so for ssindex you need to have: /source=C:/SourceCode/ /symbols=C:/SourceCode/bin/Debug I'm not sure if the "source" has an upper case S or not but that should be it!

Path name issues are not the problem in my case. I found out the following using the dia2dump tool from msdn: For the PDB of a binary project (EXE or DLL), the output of dia2dump contains a list of source files in a section labeled with "Found table: SourceFiles". With a PDB file generated for a static library project, the corresponding section always seems to be empty.So I guess this is the reason why "ssindex" does not work on static library projects. But I have no idea why this information is not included in the PDB and have not found any compiler setting which "cures" this.