




I have developed an IPhone application and i would like to know what will be the size of the application when installed in iphone. I am using xcode 3.

Can anyone please help me to find the size of the application?

+2  A: 

Build the application, and then navigate to the directory where your builds are put when complete.

You can then use the Finder's "Get Info..." to see the size of the application.

I think iPhone apps are distributed as compressed ipa files, so it's possible that user perceived size is actually smaller than this.
Rhythmic Fistman
That is a good point. But without knowing what compression is used, or being able to create your own .ipa archive, this is probably the closest you can get.
Also remember that after installing to the iphone the .ipa is uncompressed - so it would still consume the same amount of space as the uncompressed .app.
Just for the records: IPAs are ZIP compressed
How big it is after decompression is hardly relevant imo. Knowing how big it will be to download [when it's compressed] is, considering that only apps smaller than 10 MB can be downloaded using 3G. WiFi is required for bigger ones.Thanks, Till, for the compression info.
+1  A: 

iPhone apps seem to be distributed as .ipa files, which are just thinly disguised zip files,
so if you right click your app and compress it in the finder, you should have a pretty good idea
of how big it will be on the iPhone.

Rhythmic Fistman

Thanks for the reply.

You mean the build folder completely?

Inside the build folder, i have MyApplication.build folder and debug-MyApplication folder.

The debug-MyApplication folder will contain your built application. If you change the build configuration, it will reflect in the build directory - ie. release-MyApplication or Distribution-MyApplication.