I'm doing some Perl and seeing my nested "if" statements is driving me mad. I managed to reduce some of them with guard blocks in another section, but I'm stuck here.
Do you think I may leave the code as is, or is there a "proper" way to refactor the following ? (I also admit being relatively new to Perl)
This is actually a subroutine asking for user input on each parameters of a list (external file). $[3] is the matching pattern, $[2] is the default value for the considered parameter (NULL if there is none), $_[1] specifies if it is mandatory or not. the 'next' statement refers to the next parameter read (while loop).
With everyone's help (thanks !), here's the newest version.
100 if ( $input ne '' && ( $input !~ $match || $input =~ /'.+'/ ) ) {
101 print "! Format not respected. Match : /$match/ (without \' \')\n";
102 next;
103 }
104 if ( $input eq '' ) {
105 if ( $default eq 'NULL' ) {
106 if ( $manda eq 'y' ) {
107 print "! Mandatory parameter not filled in\n";
108 next;
109 }
110 print "+ Ignoring parameter.\n";
111 $input = '';
112 }
113 else {
114 print "+ Using default value\n";
115 $input = $default;
116 }
117 }
98 if($input eq ''){
99 if($_[2] eq 'NULL'){
100 if($_[1] eq 'y'){
101 print "! Mandatory parameter not filled in\n";
102 next;
103 }
104 else{
105 print "+ Ignoring parameter.\n";
106 $input = '';
107 }
108 }
109 else{
110 print "+ Using default value\n";
111 $input = $_[2];
112 }
113 }
114 elsif($input !~ $_[3] || $input =~ /'.+'/){
115 print "! Format not respected. Match : /$_[3]/ (without \' \')\n";
116 next;
117 }
118 }