I started to develop my singleton class but I have a problem. What I want to do is have a search objects containing the values of the search form that I could use in several views. I want to have the ability to get the singleton in any view in order to perform the search or build the search form. So I have a set of values with a boolean for each to know if the variable has been initialized by the user or not, cause not all the search fields needs to be filled in.
For example :
NSString name= Bob;
BOOL nameFilled =True;
NSString adress= nil;
BOOL adressFilled=false;
NSNumber numberOfChilds = 0;
BOOL numberOfChildsFilled = false;
So my problem is that I can't retain the boolean in my header file because it's not a class. How can I do, is there a better solution than what I presented above? Hope I have been clear