




I'm using cocos2d version 0.73, 2.2.1 SDK on the device, 2.2.1 and 3.0 on the simulator.

I have a layer with 2 menu items, and a sprite that's being dragged over the screen (using ccTouchesBegan, ccTouchesMoved and ccTouchesEnded).

It's all working good on the simulator, but on the device - the menu items can be pressed many times (and it works...), but after very few touch events on the sprite - all the touch events stops responding, including the menu items.

I've seen many posts about it, and tried every suggestion (use only replaceScene(), add - while (CFRunLoopRunInMode(kCFRunLoopDefaultMode, 0, YES) == kCFRunLoopRunHandledSource) {}; - to various places around the main loop, removing the menu items...) - but nothing worked.

I've also upgraded to the cocos2d 0.8 version, but it didn't worked with it too, so I've downgraded back to 0.73.

Any ideas for making it works?..

Thanks, Keren