I'm attempting to run "sudo pbuilder create" however, when retrieving packages a different one always seems to time out and fail causing the whole process. I've skimmed the man page, and I can't find any flags to set pbuilder such that it would retry several times to retrieve a failed package. Is this possible or do I have to just keep running "sudo pbuilder create" and hope for the best to get my build environment working?
I am not aware of an option to override this. A brute-force approach I have used in the past in order to build my packages is to untar the file base.tgz, chroot into it and then remove the apt caches by hand. I would then update, re-tar the base.tgz file. Not elegant, but it worked.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
2009-07-30 01:40:00
Not pretty, but I'm up and running!
2009-07-30 16:11:12
Very well! Glad it helped.
Dirk Eddelbuettel
2009-07-30 16:54:07
You can create ~/.pbuilderrc and indicate different debian mirror for distribution.
Check config example.
2009-11-01 23:08:16