To display a camera video background with a custom overlay view, you can use UIImagePickerController's cameraOverlayView property. The cameraOverlayView will be displayed on top of the default image picker interface. Use the cameraViewTransform property to make the camera preview full screen.
imagePickerController.cameraViewTransform =
CGAffineTransformMakeScale(1.0, 1.03);
To implement an UIView subclass as the overlay view that supports OpenGL ES rendering, take look at Apple's sample code
The key is to make your overlay view transparent.
overlayView.opaque = NO;
overlayView.alpha = 1.0;
overlayView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
In your OpenGL ES rendering code, make sure to clear color with a zero alpha.
glClearColor(0,0,0,0) ;