




I know there are two main unit-testing frameworks in PHP :

I am using PHPUnit, and was searching for PHP (Open source would be great ; but I'm also interested in non-OSS ones, if they are big / well-know / from big companies) projects, be it applications, libraries, frameworks, ... that would use PHPUnit as Unit-testing Framework.

I am already aware of a few, like :

But if you know any other one, I'm interested :-)

Thanks for your help !

*This question has been inspired by "Point me to some open source projects with (unit) tests.", which didn't get any PHP-oriented answered, and was not specific to PHP / PHPUnit.*

+4  A: 

The lists a few including, not surprisingly PHPunit itself, and it has links to the actual test suites for the different projects.

There are some fairly major ones there like phing, Propel, log4php, Ez Components and Creole. A quick look at PHPunits test suite suggests that it is in pretty good shape and it could be a good place to start.

Knut Haugen
+1 Thanks for this link ; I didn't know that page, but it's really nice one ! And interesting list too !