



I want to do, in Perl, the equivalent of the following Ruby code:

class Foo
  MY_CONST = {
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'baz' => {
      'innerbar' => 'bleh'

  def some_method
    a = MY_CONST[ 'foo' ]


# In some other file which uses Foo...

b = Foo::MY_CONST[ 'baz' ][ 'innerbar' ]

That is, I just want to declare a constant, nested hash structure for use both in the class and outside. How to?

+6  A: 

You can use the Hash::Util module to lock and unlock a hash (keys, values, or both).

package Foo;
use Hash::Util;

our %MY_CONST = (
    foo => 'bar',
    baz => {
        innerbar => 'bleh',


Then in some other file:

use Foo;
my $b = $Foo::MY_CONST{baz}{innerbar};
Michael Carman
Thanks, Michael, this is exactly what I need. I tried to use lock_hashref, but it doesn't seem to be defined for me, but that's okay, I can make do with lock_hash.
I notice I can accomplish what I need simply with "our", I don't need Hash::Util. I'm not concerned with other people messing with the hash after the fact, I simply needed to know how to define an accessible constant in Perl. Your example code showed me.
So you don't really need a constant? The Hash::Util stuff is the magic that keeps people from changing the hash.
brian d foy
No, it's a package variable. Perl does not have "class variables".
+1  A: 

Here is a guide to hashes in perl. Hash of Hashes

Thanks, thoughI've built nested hashes in general in Perl. My specific need has to do with using it both within and outside a package/class.
+4  A: 

See Readonly:


package Foo;

use strict;
use warnings;

use Readonly;

Readonly::Hash our %h => (
    a => { b => 1 }

package main;

use strict;
use warnings;

print $Foo::h{a}->{b}, "\n";

$h{a}->{b} = 2;


C:\Temp> t
Modification of a read-only value attempted at C:\Temp\ line 21
Sinan Ünür
Readonly is not installed on the system I'm using, and I'm not at liberty to freely install new modules. But thanks for your suggestion. I did come across that when googling.
Sinan Ünür
@Sinan: Thanks, but that doesn't help in my case. You might be mistaking my circumstances for those of a user on shared hosting or something. The barriers are not technical, they are social/political/managerial. :)
@Pistos: They do trust you with your script, right? You do not need to muck with the system `perl`.
Sinan Ünür
+6  A: 

You can also do this entirely with builtins:

package Foo;
use constant MY_CONST =>
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'baz' => {
        'innerbar' => 'bleh',

sub some_method
    # presumably $a is defined somewhere else...
    # or perhaps you mean to dereference a parameter passed in?
    # in that case, use ${$_[0]} = MY_CONST->{foo} and call some_method(\$var);
    $a = MY_CONST->{foo};

package Main;  # or any other namespace that isn't Foo...
# ...
my $b = Foo->MY_CONST->{baz}{innerbar};
Thanks, Ether. I am going to go with this syntax, since it lets me consistently use references everywhere. I would mark yours as the accepted answer, but it came a bit too late. :)