hai,i am new ..how can i open and see the records and tables etc through .sqlite execution file which has added in iphone application,is there any tutorial?
if you use firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/5817
2009-08-01 10:05:54
My personal favourite tool for working with sqlite databases is sqliteManager it costs money but its money well spent in my book.
James Raybould
2009-08-01 11:30:24
How much easier is it to use than the SQLite Manager plugin for Firefox?
2009-08-01 13:30:30
Personally I wouldn't know because I don't use Firefox - but I find it so so easy to use its become the only tool I use for anything involving sqlite databases
James Raybould
2009-08-01 16:13:04