hai, i added more than 7 view controller to the tab bar controller,it shows more at the end,when i click "more" ,it shows remaining,but edit button is available at the right corner of iphone screen,i want to disable,hide it?
The Edit button is the way that you can allow the user to rearrange which buttons are in the tabs on the main page. Are you sure you want to keep the user from rearranging?
If you do want to prevent rearranging, the thing to do is something like this:
tabBar.customizableViewControllers = nil;
If you don't do that step, the API assumes that all of the viewControllers are customizable, and they will all be rearrange-able.
If you don't mind the edit button, but just want some of the views to be rearrange-able, assign an array to tabBar.customizableViewControllers that contains some, but not all, of the full set of viewControllers.
2009-08-01 13:14:32