




I am new to iPhone development.

I've seen many applications, which have their settings stored in the iPhone's setting app. For example, Default User Name & Password are stored in settings for "myApp."

Whenever the user starts "myApp", userName & password are loaded from the settings app.

How would I implement this functionality into my own app?

any links / any help / any source code / samples

Thanks in advance for being nice to me.

+2  A: 

Here are some relevant docs to take a look at:

  1. Apple's doc for settings within the settings app
  2. tutorial on creating settings within the settings app
hey buddy thanks, but i found that tutorial before you posted.
good to hear - do you have any other questions?
Yep ! A new Huge Question.My App. required followingif user has set language -> Arabic -> in "myApp" settingsthe every input keyboard should be Arabic?
Question is "how to set the language for specific application(myApp)?"
Apple doesn't provide API access to temporarily or permanently alter the system/keyboard language. If you want to ensure that your users are using an Arabic keyboard, you would have to build your own keyboard.
+1  A: 

[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] will get you the defaults object, from which you can access keyFor and setKeyFor to get/set values. For example [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"UseSounds"] returns 'true' if the user has elected to turn sounds off, and your settings pane defines 'UseSounds' as the key.

NSUserDefaults reference

Ok Mr.Blue ! But Question is # [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] boolForKey:@"UseArabic"] #returns truethen,how to set all keyboards Arabic in my Application????
That's a separate question from the one you asked. I don't believe it's possible with the APIs that Apple provide at the moment. I suspect keyboard layout is a property of the phone as a whole.If you want to have a configurable keyboard, then you may well have to emulate your own, with all the difficulties that that involves.