Hello. I've scoured the internet and my own intellect to answer this basic question, however, much to my own dismay I've been unable to find a solution. I'm normally pretty good about multiple header files however I have hit a wall. The problem is a function that I've declared in a header and defined in its proper namespace in the source file. I'm developing on windows using Bloodshed.
/////////////////////////////// // class Matrix4x3.h ///////////////////////////////
#ifndef _MATRIX4X3_H
#define _MATRIX4X3_H
class Matrix4x3{
//set to identity
void identity();
/////////////////////////////// // class Matrix4x3.cpp ///////////////////////////////
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "Matrix4x3.h"
void Matrix4x3::identity(){
//calculations here...
////////////// Main ////////////////
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include "../Matrix4x3.h"
using namespace std;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Matrix4x3 a;
I use Bloodshed, and it displays a list of class members and methods when I use the constructed object, however it tells me that the method dipicted above hasn't been referenced come time to compile. If anyone has a response I would be very appreciative.