




So pre3.0 I tried to do a navigation and tabbar controller in the same window and I had a problem with pushing a view onto the navigation stack. I'm sure so e of you know of this problem. What is the solution?


There are many, many possible problems that fit your description. Can you tell us what you are trying to do, more precisely, and what actual symptoms you are seeing?

Edit: ...okay, I guess I shouldn't have been snarky. Too much time on blog forums. Sorry.

Well this question is aimed at the people who have come across this problem before and know the problems that comes with using these two controllers together. So yes it is very lacking in info to the people who aren't experienced in this situation and will not be able to help me anyways.
But my point was (and seriously, no offense intended) there are MANY possible problems that come when you bring those two controllers together. I've been working with tabbed navigation controllers for the past 8 months, and I don't know what you need.

I guess your looking for this on the apple developer site that explains how to use a tab bar controller.

James Raybould