I need to put data in a file since my other function takes a file as input.
How to I create a uniq filename in Erlang?
Something like unix "tempfile", do it exist?
I need to put data in a file since my other function takes a file as input.
How to I create a uniq filename in Erlang?
Something like unix "tempfile", do it exist?
Do you mean just generate the acutal filename? In that case the safest way would be to use a mix of the numbers you get from now() and the hostname of your computer (if you have several nodes doing the same thing).
Something like:
1> {A,B,C}=now().
2> N=node().
3> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~p-~p.~p.~p",[N,A,B,C])).
"[email protected]"
Or you could do
for a quick and easy unique indentifier. Unique for up to 2^82 calls which should be enough.for your purposes. I find this easier than formatting a timestamp with node name for use.
Late answer: I just noticed the test_server module which has scratch directory support, worth a look