for example, it seems impossible to implement delegation techniques without creating warnings. This really makes no sense, because:
if (self.myDelegate != nil) {
BOOL callDelegate = [self.myDelegate respondsToSelector:@selector(fooDidHappen:WithBar:)];
if (callDelegate) {
[self.myDelegate fooDidHappen:foo withBar:bar];
Like you can see, I ask if the delegate responds to that selector. But in the if-block which is entered only when the delegate responds to it, I get a stupid warning that the delegate does not respond. Of course it does not, because this code only takes full advantage at runtime. However it's very bad practise to continue working with compiler warnings in xcode, so I would like to tell the compiler to just ignore that.
In PHP for example you can write @anFunction(foo); and the @ will make sure that this function does not give you any warning at all. So is there an compiler directive or command that can be typed around that part to get rid of the warning?