I'm just getting started with grails, and I'm having an issue.
I have a "controller" and "view" for the projects home page (there's no model for the home page)
I called the view "index.gsp", and put it in a directory views/home
However, no matter what I do, grails is trying to read the page "home.gsp" (and then home.jsp), despite me having explicitly specified the index with the "template" attribute in the render call.
class HomeController {
String someparameter = "xyzzy"
def index = {
render(view:"home", template:"index") // I also tried "index.gsp" and "home/index.gsp"
I think I may be using the "template" attribute wrong, because I only see it used in examples for view-less template rendering. However the documentation gives no such limitation.
Is there any way to explicitly specify the name of a template? I just caved in and renamed it "home.gsp", but I'd like to understand what's going wrong.
(The home page in this application has no "model". Grails will use the controller has the model. In this example, you can access "someparameter" in the gsp template as ${someparameter}.)