



I have a class which is a wrapper class(serves as a common interface) around another class implementing the functionality required. So my code looks like this.

template<typename ImplemenationClass> class WrapperClass {
// the code goes here

Now, how do I make sure that ImplementationClass can be derived from a set of classes only, similar to java's generics

<? extends BaseClass>


+2  A: 

In the current state of things, there is no good way other than by comments or a third-party solution. Boost provides a concept check library for this, and I think gcc also has an implementation. Concepts are on the list of C++0x improvements, but I'm not sure if you can specify subtypes - they are more for "must support these operations" which is (roughly) equivalent.

Edit: Wikipedia has this section about concepts in C++0x, which is significantly easier to read than draft proposals.

+6  A: 

It's verbose, but you can do it like this:

#include <boost/utility/enable_if.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>

struct base {};

template <typename ImplementationClass, class Enable = void>
class WrapperClass;

template <typename ImplementationClass>
class WrapperClass<ImplementationClass,
      typename boost::enable_if<
        boost::is_base_of<base,ImplementationClass> >::type>

struct derived : base {};
struct not_derived {};

int main() {
    WrapperClass<derived> x;

    // Compile error here:
    WrapperClass<not_derived> y;

This requires a compiler with good support for the standard (most recent compilers should be fine but old versions of Visual C++ won't be). For more information, see the Boost.Enable_If documentation.

As Ferruccio said, a simpler but less powerful implementation:

#include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
#include <boost/type_traits/is_base_of.hpp>

struct base {};

template <typename ImplementationClass>
class WrapperClass
        boost::is_base_of<base, ImplementationClass>::value));
Daniel James
You can make it a little clearer by using BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT in place of enable_if. i.e.BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT(boost::is_base_of<base,ImplementationClass>);
Yep, I've added that. I prefer enable_if as it lets you have different versions and gives slightly better error messages (IMO). Some people also like the error messages from MPL's static assert.
Daniel James
Thanks, that one worked :)

See Stoustrup's own words on the subject.

Basically a small class, that you instantiate somewhere, e.g. the templated classes constructor.

template<class T, class B> struct Derived_from {
 static void constraints(T* p) { B* pb = p; }
 Derived_from() { void(*p)(T*) = constraints; }
Douglas Leeder