I've been trying to programmatically reproduce the behavior of editing a Content Type's field properties in the SharePoint site management screen and selecting the "Required" radio button with no sucess using the WSS 3.0 web service's Webs.asmx "UpdateContentType" method.
The first difficulty was the issue with the MSDN documentation that said fields should be of a FieldRef type when in fact they need to be of a Field type (reference). Adding fields and deleting fields works fine after the fix, but updating fields seems to not function at all. (It should also be noted that I followed the recommendation on the previous link to use Method="2"
for updating fields but it changes nothing, and using Method values other than 1 for adding or other than 3 for deleting also function correctly).
Here's the web service call (slightly modified with strings instead of XmlNode objects for readability):
SharePointWebServices.Webs webService = new SharePointWebServices.Webs();
webService.Url = "http://mysharepointserver/site";
webService.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
@"<ContentType />",
@"<Fields />",
@"<Fields><Method ID=""1""><Field Name=""SomeField"" ID=""{8a4803c4-6545-4a7a-804d-237eebff0ce3}"" Required=""TRUE"" Hidden=""FALSE"" ReadOnly=""FALSE"" PITarget="""" PIAttribute="""" PrimaryPIAttribute="""" Aggregation="""" Node="""" /></Method></Fields>",
@"<Fields />");
After the call, the field is still Required="FALSE".
A quick look into the stssoap.dll assembly indicates that the "Required" property is apparently ignored during the update process. Is this normal behavior? If so, what is the recommended method for programmatically changing the "Required" field from client code (not executing on the SharePoint server)?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.