



Hey, you know how Iron man was using voice commands for his IDE in the movie? Are there any visual studio plugins that can do that kind of thing? If not, how do you go about making them yourself?

+2  A: 

Take a look at Microsoft Speech SDK, as well as Visual Studio Integration. There are a BUNCH of tutorials (just google) on both, and in VS2008 there's even templated Integration projects out of the box...

Why was this downvoted? The answer is somewhat unspecific, but so is the question.
+2  A: 

There's a plug in I use at home that works well but is slightly finicky. It doesn't do the actual programming, but more of an aid to eliminate the shortcuts. Essentially, any function that you can run using shortcut commands you can run using this plug in. To get a list of the available functions go to this MSDN article.

It's ThirdHand at and as far as I can tell it only works on VS 2008 since it uses .Net 3.5. Make sure to read my post on in the discussion board on how to reset it if there are any problems.

It's been awhile since I've seen in the movie, so I hope this is similar to what you're talking about.
