+1  A: 

Have a look at sharpdevelop - we use it for an internal iron python editor

Preet Sangha
Ooh, that DOES look sharp. And it's open-source, so I don't have to pay up the butt for it. Can you explain basically how SharpDevelop can be used for this? Does it provide a custom control that does this? Or does it provide functional support only, and I have to add it to my own control?
So far, this just lools like a third-party IDE. Is it really going to give my application decent code display, or is it just here to make my life easier as the developer?
hi there. I;ll check back at our code and see what component the code editor is.
Preet Sangha
+1  A: 

Kaxaml uses ICSharpCode.TextEditor, the text editor component from SharpDevelop.
