First out, I recommend you to generate a set of watermark images of different sizes instead of resizing 'on the fly'.
Below I have outlined a workflow of how to watermark images dynamically on a website:
Design a good watermark
First of all, try to design the watermark with a transparent background. This will greatly reduce the risk of cover up essential parts of the target image. This can be done by using the gif or (preferably) the png imagefile format. Just make sure that the transparent watermark works well both on light and dark backgrounds.
Also take into account how to best design the watermark that works both for portrait and landscape style images and images with awkward aspect ratios. You should consider to make two versions -- one for wide images and one for tall images. For the latter type, you could rotate the watermark 90 degrees or, if the watermark consists of text, you might want to split the text into two or more lines.
Pre-render the watermark in several different sizes
So, don't dynamically resize the watermark, instead I recommend you to render a set of watermark images with different sizes. This only has to be done once and it will greatly enhance the clarity and/or legibility of the watermark (especially for smaller target images).
Depending of how different the images will be on the web page, you might need a larger or smaller number of sizes. This is a design choice that you will have to make, but I think you could get away with only two or three different sizes.
Apply the watermark
This will happen dynamically on the server side (in your php-file). First find out the dimensions of the target image by using the function getimagesize. With this information at hand, you'll have to decide which version of the watermark to use based on the size, aspect ratio and orientation. E.g.
if ( $width > $height ) {$useLandscapeWatermark=true;}
if ( $width > 100 && $width < 400 ) {$watermarkSize=2;}
Finally, to apply the watermark I recommend you to look at the gd library. This is a powerful library that can do many neat trix, among others merging two images. An alternative is ImageMagic.
Good luck!