I've got a GUI project (using Fast Light Toolkit) with the following components inside of it.
All of the headers and files listed here (note the Makefile.win)
and this is the file I'm trying to get to run.
#include "Simple_window.h" // get access to our window library
#include "Graph.h" // get access to our graphics library facilties
int main()
using namespace Graph_lib; // our graphics facilities are in Graph_lib
Point tl(100,100); // to become top left corner of window
Simple_window win(tl,600,400,"Canvas"); // make a simple window
Polygon poly; // make a shape (a polygon)
poly.add(Point(300,200)); // add point
poly.add(Point(350,100)); // add another point
poly.add(Point(400,200)); // add a third point
poly.set_color(Color::red); // adjust properties of poly
win.attach(poly); // connect poly to window
win.wait_for_button(); // give control to display engine
At first when I tried to compile I got an error saying
File: C:\Dev-Cpp\Makefile.win
Error: [Build Error] [Projectname.exe] Error 1
Then I went into project options and selected "Use custom makefile" selected the custom makefile from the website which is saved in my C++ folder (and is part of the project.)
When I did this I got
File: C:\Users\Alex\Makefile.win (this is a different makefile.win)
Error: [Build Error] No rule to make target 'c12_3.cpp'(the file I'm compiling)
needed by 'c12_3.o'. Stop.
I am using Dev-C++ as a compiler. If you need more information just let me know. I am pretty stuck.
The makefile.win from the site after being compiled looks like this.
# Project: Stroustrup
# Makefile created by Dev-C++
CPP = g++.exe
CC = gcc.exe
WINDRES = windres.exe
RES = Stroustrup_private.res
OBJ = Makefile.o ../Users/Alex/C++/ch12_3.o ../Users/Alex/C++/Graph.o ../Users/Alex/C++/GUI.o ../Users/Alex/C++/Simple_Window.o ../Users/Alex/C++/Window.o $(RES)
LINKOBJ = Makefile.o ../Users/Alex/C++/ch12_3.o ../Users/Alex/C++/Graph.o ../Users/Alex/C++/GUI.o ../Users/Alex/C++/Simple_Window.o ../Users/Alex/C++/Window.o $(RES)
LIBS = -L"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib" -mwindows -lfltk -lole32 -luuid -lcomctl32 -lwsock32 -lm
INCS = -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"
CXXINCS = -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/lib/gcc/mingw32/3.4.2/include" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/backward" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2/mingw32" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include/c++/3.4.2" -I"C:/Dev-Cpp/include"
BIN = Stroustrup.exe
CFLAGS = $(INCS) -DWIN32 -mms-bitfields
RM = rm -f
.PHONY: all all-before all-after clean clean-custom
all: all-before Stroustrup.exe all-after
clean: clean-custom
${RM} $(OBJ) $(BIN)
$(BIN): $(OBJ)
$(CPP) $(LINKOBJ) -o "Stroustrup.exe" $(LIBS)
Makefile.o: Makefile.win
$(CPP) -c Makefile.win -o Makefile.o $(CXXFLAGS)
../Users/Alex/C++/ch12_3.o: ../Users/Alex/C++/ch12_3.cpp
$(CPP) -c ../Users/Alex/C++/ch12_3.cpp -o ../Users/Alex/C++/ch12_3.o $(CXXFLAGS)
../Users/Alex/C++/Graph.o: ../Users/Alex/C++/Graph.cpp
$(CPP) -c ../Users/Alex/C++/Graph.cpp -o ../Users/Alex/C++/Graph.o $(CXXFLAGS)
../Users/Alex/C++/GUI.o: ../Users/Alex/C++/GUI.cpp
$(CPP) -c ../Users/Alex/C++/GUI.cpp -o ../Users/Alex/C++/GUI.o $(CXXFLAGS)
../Users/Alex/C++/Simple_Window.o: ../Users/Alex/C++/Simple_Window.cpp
$(CPP) -c ../Users/Alex/C++/Simple_Window.cpp -o ../Users/Alex/C++/Simple_Window.o $(CXXFLAGS)
../Users/Alex/C++/Window.o: ../Users/Alex/C++/Window.cpp
$(CPP) -c ../Users/Alex/C++/Window.cpp -o ../Users/Alex/C++/Window.o $(CXXFLAGS)
Stroustrup_private.res: Stroustrup_private.rc
$(WINDRES) -i Stroustrup_private.rc --input-format=rc -o Stroustrup_private.res -O coff