I am doing ETL for log files into a PostgreSQL database, and want to learn more about the various approaches used to optimize performance of loading data into a simple star schema.
To put the question in context, here's an overview of what I do currently:
- Drop all foreign key and unique constraints
- Import the data (~100 million records)
- Re-create the constraints and run analyze on the fact table.
Importing the data is done by loading from files. For each file:
1) Load the data from into a temporary table using COPY (the PostgreSQL bulk upload tool)
2) Update each of the 9 dimension tables with any new data using an insert for each such as:
INSERT INTO host (name)
SELECT DISTINCT host_name FROM temp_table
SELECT name FROM host;
The analyze is run at the end of the INSERT with the idea of keeping the statistics up to date over the course of tens of millions of updates (Is this advisable or necessary? At minimum it does not seem to significantly reduce performance).
3) The fact table is then updated with an unholy 9-way join:
INSERT INTO event (time, status, fk_host, fk_etype, ... )
SELECT t.time, t.status, host.id, etype.id ...
FROM temp_table as t
JOIN host ON t.host_name = host.name
JOIN url ON t.etype = etype.name
... and 7 more joins, one for each dimension table
Are there better approaches I'm overlooking?