OK, I'm having some problem with the UITextView. Here's the issue: I add some text to a UITextView. The user then double clicks to select something. I then change the text in the UITextView (programatically as above) and the TextView scrolls to the bottom of the page where there is a cursor. However, that is NOT where the user clicked. It ALWAYS scrolls to the bottom of the UITextView regardless of where the user clicked. So here's my question. How do I force the UITextView to scroll to the top every time I change the text. I've tried contentOffset and scrollRangeToVisible. Neither work. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Sam
Try this to move the cursor to the top of the text.
NSRange r = {0,0};
[yourTextView setSelectedRange:r];
See how that goes. Make sure you call this after all your events have fired or what ever you are doing is done.
John Ballinger
2009-08-06 02:14:51
tried it man, no luck. It seems to be something with the firstResponder. Any other suggestions?
2009-08-06 03:09:08
I'm not sure if I understand your question, but are you trying to simply scroll the view to the top? If so you should do
[textview scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(0,0,1,1) animated:YES];
Benjamin Sussman
2009-08-06 19:08:03
I'm trying to scroll to the top, but it doesn't work. The problem has been solved over at the iPhone developer forums (for any future readers) https://devforums.apple.com/thread/25158?tstart=0 (developer login required)
2009-08-07 14:42:03
[note setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0, 0) animated:YES];
This does it for me.
Wayne Lo
2010-04-01 03:02:01