Here is the code to help you understand my question:
create table con ( content_id number);
create table mat ( material_id number, content_id number, resolution number, file_location varchar2(50), file_size number);
create table con_groups (content_group_id number, content_id number);
insert into con values (99);
insert into mat values (1, 99, 7, 'C:\foo.jpg', 1024);
insert into mat values (2, 99, 2, '\\server\', 350000);
insert into mat values (3, 99, 5, '\\server2\xyz.wav', 175000);
insert into con values (100);
insert into mat values (4, 100, 5, 'C:\bar.png', 2048);
insert into mat values (5, 100, 3, '\\server\', 27400);
insert into mat values (6, 100, 7, '\\server2\xyz.wav', 400);
insert into con_groups values (10, 99);
insert into con_groups values (10, 100);
SELECT m.material_id,
(SELECT max(file_location) keep (dense_rank first order by resolution desc)
FROM mat
WHERE mat.content_id = m.content_id
/* AND ...
AND ...
AND ... */) special_mat_file_location,
(SELECT max(file_size) keep (dense_rank first order by resolution desc)
FROM mat
WHERE mat.content_id = m.content_id
/* AND ...
AND ...
AND ... */) special_mat_file_size
FROM mat m
WHERE m.material_id IN (select material_id
from mat
inner join con on con.content_id = mat.content_id
inner join con_groups on con_groups.content_id = con.content_id
where con_groups.content_group_id = 10);
I put the commented ANDs to highlight that this is a simplified example; the subquery in my real query is more complex with more criteria.
My problem is: I want to avoid repeating all of the criteria in the subquery for both columns (file_location and file_size
) because the criteria is exactly the same. I would gladly use Common Table Expressions (i.e. subquery factoring using the WITH clause) but I can't because of the "WHERE mat.content_id = m.content_id
" in the subquery, which makes it a correlated subquery. It is my understanding that one cannot factor correlated subqueries using the WITH clause. For that same reason I also cannot put this subquery as an inline view (aka derived table) in the FROM clause.
How can I include the criteria once and inject more than one column into the resultset with a correlated subquery?