Answer #1:
You are correct that locking is a viable approach, but there is a much simpler way to do all of this. Boost has a nice little construct in ASIO called a strand
. Any callback that has been wrapped using the strand will be serialized, guaranteed, no matter which thread executes the callback. Basically, it handles any locking for you.
This means that you can have as many writers as you want, and if they are all wrapped by the same strand (so, share your single strand among all of your writers) they will execute serially. One thing to watch out for is to make sure that you aren't trying to use the same actual buffer in memory for doing all of the writes. For example, this is what to avoid:
char buffer_to_write[256]; // shared among threads
/* ... in thread 1 ... */
memcpy(buffer_to_write, packet_1, std::min(sizeof(packet_1), sizeof(buffer_to_write)));
my_socket.async_write_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer_to_write, sizeof(buffer_to_write)), &my_callback);
/* ... in thread 2 ... */
memcpy(buffer_to_write, packet_2, std::min(sizeof(packet_2), sizeof(buffer_to_write)));
my_socket.async_write_some(boost::asio::buffer(buffer_to_write, sizeof(buffer_to_write)), &my_callback);
There, you're sharing your actual write buffer (buffer_to_write
). If you did something like this instead, you'll be okay:
/* A utility class that you can use */
class PacketWriter
typedef std::vector<char> buffer_type;
static void WriteIsComplete(boost::shared_ptr<buffer_type> op_buffer, const boost::system::error_code& error, std::size_t bytes_transferred)
// Handle your write completion here
template<class IO>
static bool WritePacket(const std::vector<char>& packet_data, IO& asio_object)
boost::shared_ptr<buffer_type> op_buffer(new buffer_type(packet_data));
if (!op_buffer)
return (false);
asio_object.async_write_some(boost::asio::buffer(*op_buffer), boost::bind(&PacketWriter::WriteIsComplete, op_buffer, boost::asio::placeholder::error, boost::asio::placeholder::bytes_transferred));
/* ... in thread 1 ... */
PacketWriter::WritePacket(packet_1, my_socket);
/* ... in thread 2 ... */
PacketWriter::WritePacket(packet_2, my_socket);
Here, it would help if you passed your strand into WritePacket as well. You get the idea, though.
Answer #2:
I think you are already taking a very good approach. One suggestion I would offer is to use async_write
instead of async_write_some
so that you are guaranteed the whole buffer is written before your callback gets called.