



I am using Mercurial under Windows XP (using the TortoiseHg distribution) and I want to use NTFS hardlinks when cloning a repository. Out of the box Mercurial does not do this. I have read that a win32file python extension needs to be enabled. So far I have been unsuccessful in making this work (adding a win32file entry to the extensions section in mercurial.ini does not seem to work). Is there a simple way to enable it?


I think you'll need to install full Python and use the Mercurial source install. While TortiseHG's py2exe-compiled installation of Mercurial can load mercurial extensions just fine, it's my understanding that it won't let you swap out core python modules.

What do you mean by "full Python" ? Does ActivePython work, or do we need to download Python source, build and install in that way? ActivePython comes with win32file and I see the CreateHardLink function in that library.
Mike Caron
Also, UpgradeNotes on Mercurial wiki says: "0.7: Windows hardlink cloning - As of 0.7, hardlink cloning is now supported on Windows with NTFS and ActiveState Python. Because old versions cannot properly determine the link count of hardlinked files, using old versions of Mercurial on a new repository containing hardlinks may be dangerous." So if one has version > 0.7, should be ok.
Mike Caron