




The UIControl documentation clearly states:

When a user touches the control in a way that corresponds to one or more specified events, UIControl sends itself sendActionsForControlEvents:.

So what I did is pretty simple. I created a UIControl subclass, and overrided this, like this:

- (void)sendActionsForControlEvents:(UIControlEvents)controlEvents {
    [super sendActionsForControlEvents:controlEvents];
    NSLog(@"- (void)sendActionsForControlEvents:(UIControlEvents)controlEvents");

Then I instantiated my custom UIControl and added a action-target-thing like this:

MyCustomControl *twb = [[MyCustomControl alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0.0f, 0.0f, 80.0f, 80.0f)];
twb.backgroundColor = [UIColor yellowColor];
[twb addTarget:self action:@selector(anyTouch:) forControlEvents:UIControlEventAllTouchEvents];
[self addSubview:twb];

also, I implemented that -anyTouch: method for the selector, like this:

- (void) anyTouch:(id)sender {

What happens: I touch the view from that control, and -anyTouch throws out the "anyTouch" log messages while I am touching around on it. But even though I subclassed UIControl and overrided that sendActionsForControlEvents:, I don't get the log message like I should. That makes no sense. I've overwritten it. It should log that message, damn it. %!§$%


I ran into the same problem. I don't think UIControl itself uses sendActionsForControlEvents: to dispatch sendAction:to:forEvent:. From what little code examples I've seen this function is there for outside users who need to push the events to registered targets.


This is weird, because the UIControl docs say:

When a user touches the control in a way that corresponds to one or more specified events, UIControl sends itself sendActionsForControlEvents:. This results in UIControl sending the action to UIApplication in a sendAction:to:from:forEvent: message.

It sounds like we should be able to override sendActionsForControlEvents:, yet my overridden method never gets called either.
