In your team, how is documentation written?
Is there someone assigned to the task? Is there a technical documentation writer?
Please elaborate for:
- User documentation
- System Administration docs
- Development docs
In your team, how is documentation written?
Is there someone assigned to the task? Is there a technical documentation writer?
Please elaborate for:
Yeah, we're in the "lone gun" type shop around here, but that's where some well crafted templates come in. 8^D
Since answering how things work for my team fails to protect the guilty, I will answer with my thoughts for the "ideal team."
Except for the development documentation, in a perfect would you would have someone who is both technically competent and able to write doing the documentation. This wouldn't necessarily have to be a dedicated technical writer, but would be useful to have someone who is a part of the project team doing documentation.
User Docs: copywriter, technicalwriter Dev Docs: if you need them, it should be part of the task written.
The User Documentation is primarily written by our Communications department, who also write up Feature Requests and talk with the Clients about bugs and other problems.
Anything on the System or Code level is written by the Developers responsible for the code if it needs any explaining.
We have a small dev team (8) and smaller support team (4). Historically our user documentation (a 200+ page chm) was written mostly by members of tech support (=usability testers), as they had a better knowledge of customer terminology and work practices. These days we occasionally have the luxury of getting the developers involved, now that the product is feature-rich and much more robust. Having said that, we'd ideally like some wiki-like doc tool that allows our distributors and power-users to contribute.
As a developer I would prefer to explain how a product works to a user and have the user write the documentation because they will cover things that seem obvious to me but not the average user.
I think it is like translating between languages. Have you ever gotten a product and you could obviously tell that the person who wrote the manual didn't speak English natively? From my little knowledge of languages it seems that it works better for people to translate into their native language than out of their native language.
We have 3 types of documentation: