I have a couple sites that give a good basis for much of the documentation you are looking for. I would recommend modifying anything you see within these sites to your own needs.
Check out The Software Requirements
Memory Jogger by Ellen Gottesdiener
<link>. She gives a great
overview of what's needed and when.
Karl Weigers is highly respected in
the requirements field. He has free
templates on his website in the
"Goodies" section. <link>
Volere is also respected in the
field, though I have never found
their templates to be quite what I
wanted (probably because I am used
to other formats). <link>
Use the "filetype:" modifier (doc /
pdf / ...) in a google search, such
as "filetype:doc software architecture
What you don't ask about, but needs to be addressed, is the need for some standard documents within your company.
While this is a standalone question and answer all by itself let me recommend that you take what you like above and modify it just a bit for your own needs. Then run it by two or three respected peers within your company. Ask for their feedback on what they like and would like to see modified in your template. This process of socialization and feedback will help you succeed with introducing your lifecycle documentation.
(Last tip: Depending on what you think they will respond to best, you may want to get feedback on a solid draft rather than a blank template. Some people visualize better than others and you should take this into account too. )