



After some use Visual Studio 2008 when opening a solution that is checked into Visual Studio Team Foundation will pop up a dialog saying:

Projects have recently been added to this solution. Do you want to get them from source control?

This happens every time the solution is loaded (even if no projects have been added). The only way I have found to remove this minor annoyance is to completely rebuild the SLN file.

Has anyone found a better/simpler way?

+2  A: 

Hey, this actually happened to me about 4 years ago.

First, it sounds to me like someone on your team doesn't have all the updates applied to their visual studio installation. Go around and get everyone upgraded to the latest service pack for your VS version.

Once that is done, unbind the solution, fix the file, rebind it and tell everyone to do a force get latest on your TFS project.


Chris Lively

This message will also occur if your solution has a reference to a project whose location is outside of the solution directory, but it doesn't physically exist (i.e. you hadn't checked it out before opening the solution). VSS (or TFS) will then give you that message and clicking OK will automatically get latest on the project that's missing so your solution won't have any unloaded projects in it.


Reading that again confuses me. Basically you get the message if your solution has a source control binding to a project that isn't inside of the folder your solution is in, and that outside project doesn't physically exist on your machine. Clicking on OK will check the project out for you.

Cory Larson
On the last line, do you mean "check the project out" or "get latest on the project"? Your paragraphs seem to be contradictory on this point.
Dave Roberts
Yeah, early morning posting is something I should avoid. Clicking "Continue" will _get_ the project and put it physically relative to the location of the solution that's asking for it. So, if your solution is at `C:\Dev\Client\Someone\SolutionA` and the "project recently added" was referenced at `..\..\..\Common\ProjectB` from within your solution, it will _get_ the project and put it at `C:\Dev\Common\ProjectB` so your solution's references are all valid. Does that make sense?
Cory Larson