
What is the optimal VSTF source structure? Are there any best practices?

There are a number of other questions related to this topic: Whats a good standard code layout for a php application How to structure a java application, in other words: where do I put my classes? Recommended Source Control Directory Structure? Structure of Projects in Version Control I could not find any specific to VSTF, which has...

Howto resolve... Visual Studio Source Control notification "Projects have recently been added to this solution"

After some use Visual Studio 2008 when opening a solution that is checked into Visual Studio Team Foundation will pop up a dialog saying: Projects have recently been added to this solution. Do you want to get them from source control? This happens every time the solution is loaded (even if no projects have been added). The only w...

Visual Studio 2010 and 2008 mixed development environment possible?

We are looking at migrating to Visual Studio 2010. Is it possible for some developers to use Visual Studio 2010 and other to use 2008 on the same solution/projects? How will it affect our VSTF builds (VSTF Server 2008)? ...

links to work items - vstf/vsts

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to create links to work items that open not through Team System Web Access but through Visual Studio 2008. For TSWA we have following links: http://mytfs:8090/wi.aspx?id=1234 We would like to include VS-links in the reports (in parallel with TSWA-links), so that users can choose the tool they wan...