I am writing a ruby script to be used as Postfix SMTP access policy delegation. The script needs to access a Tokyo Tyrant database. I am using EventMachine to take care of network connections. EventMachine needs a EventMachine::Connection class that is instantiated by EventMachine‘s processing loop whenever a new connection is created. so for each connection a class is instantiated and destroyed.
I am creating a connection to Tokyo Tyrant from the post_init of the EventMachine::Connection (ie right after connection is setup) and tearing it down after connection is terminated.
My question is if this is the proper way to connect to db? ie making a connection every yime I need it and tearing it down after I am finished? Wouldn't be better to connect to DB once (when program is started) tear it down during program shutdown? If that is so how should I code that ?
My code is:
require 'rubygems'
require 'eventmachine'
require 'rufus/tokyo/tyrant'
class LineCounter < EM::Connection
ActionAllow = "action=dunno\n\n"
def post_init
puts "Received a new connection"
@tokyo = Rufus::Tokyo::Tyrant.new('server', 1978)
@data_received = ""
def receive_data data
@data_received << data
@data_received.lines do |line|
key = line.split('=')[0]
value = line.split('=')[1]
@reverse_client_name = value.strip() if key == 'reverse_client_name'
@client_address = value.strip() if key == 'client_address'
@tokyo[@client_address] = @reverse_client_name
puts @client_address, @reverse_client_name
send_data ActionAllow
def unbind
EventMachine::run {
host,port = "", 9997
EventMachine::start_server host, port, LineCounter
puts "Now accepting connections on address #{host}, port #{port}..."
EventMachine::add_periodic_timer( 10 ) { $stderr.write "*" }
with regards,