Is it possible to get HWND of currently focused window? For the whole windows station, not the current application. Target application is Win32. I can get current window using :GetForegroundWindow() however, this is the main window only. I can enumerate child windows, but how do I determine if it's focused?
HWND RemoteGetFocus()
HWND hwnd = GetForegroundWindow();
DWORD remoteThreadId = GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd, NULL);
DWORD currentThreadId = GetCurrentThreadId();
AttachThreadInput(remoteThreadId, currentThreadId, TRUE);
HWND focused = GetFocus();
AttachThreadInput(remoteThreadId, currentThreadId, FALSE);
return focused;
2009-08-10 09:37:02
Brilliant! Thanks!
2009-08-10 16:00:37