It's quiet complicated. I have four UIViews.
viewA acts as root container. viewB and viewC are childs of viewA. So viewA contains viewB and viewC.
viewD is a child of viewB.
I try to "draw" it for you:
viewA OWNS ((viewB OWNS viewD) && viewC)
I rotate the layer's transform.rotation.z of viewB. So viewB is rotated a little bit. ViewD is also rotated a little bit relative to viewB.
Also, I rotate viewC the same way with an other value. So both viewB and viewC are rotated differently relative to viewA. viewD is rotated a little bit relative to viewB.
I need to convert all these coordinate systems in such a way, that the rotation of viewC can be specified relative to viewD. Or in other words: In such a way, that when the transform.rotation.z of viewC is the same as from viewD, both views appear to be rotated the same way (visually on screen).
A few weeks ago I was reading in some paper that UIKit provides support for converting coordinate systems. Any idea if they're suitable to fix this problem?