Hi all,
I've seen people speaking about that on the web, I've been advised to do that, but it looks like the iText rendering engine is far from matching MS word (openoffice, TeX). And interpreting a .doc is far from trivial anyway (J.Spolsky explained why) so I'm a little bit of skeptical.
I'd really like to do that for a project, but I can't find anything on the net, I think the simplest way would be modularising openoffice and grabbing the input system, the layout system and the output system, leaving the UI on the bank. But the closest thing I see on the net right now is connecting to a live instance of OpenOffice/MS Office and sending commands (read .doc, generate PDF) to it.
Do you have any code on the web to show this [read .doc -> edit a little bit in the document (add a small table, fill blanks) -> generate PDF] mythical chain ?
thanks, Nico.