Hello all,
I am having a UIView and a UIViewContorller to that. I want to draw a rectangle in the view through my controller. So how to do that.
Hello all,
I am having a UIView and a UIViewContorller to that. I want to draw a rectangle in the view through my controller. So how to do that.
Two options, if you just need a static rectangle you could use an imasge and use UIImageView to display it where you need. If you need to draw it go to this faq https://developer.apple.com/iphone/library/codinghowtos/GraphicsAndAnimation/#2D-DRAW_LINES__CIRCLES__POLYGONS__AND_BEZIER_PATHS and then to the programming guide to drawing on the iphone, theres some helpful projects they provide to help you out as well.
You can add a subview to your view controller's view in viewDidLoad and set the background color to whatever color you want, provided that all you need is a solid color rectangle.