



Where do you guys generally look for developments in C++, most importantly, developments in new standard and its approx/scheduled release data? also boost (well,

Is there a centralized place?



C++ has been updated much here lately. I would recommend wikipedia's article on C++ though. It usually is kept up to date (not that a lot's changed). I guess the closest thing to a specification that I've found is Bjarne Stroustrup's book (the creator of the C++ language) on, what else, the C++ language.

Lucas McCoy
please don't forget to provide the link.
+3  A: 

A lot of insiders to the standards working group discuss and post at comp.std.c++ so I guess that would qualify.

Another good place is Herb Sutter homepage and blog.

+9  A: 

You go to the C++ Standard Committee website:


And for a quick access to any published papers:

+6  A: 

In the past I've used the C++0x wiki entry, and to a lesser extent, the Informit C++ Reference. Recently, I came across a new blog that people may want to check out. It appears to have been started by a couple of committee members:

We started this site because the community at large seems especially hungry—right now—to know more about, and to be more involved in, what's happening on the cutting edge of C++. We're going to be writing articles on C++0x and advanced C++03. ... Thanks for visiting C++Next, Dave Abrahams and Doug Gregor

Fat Elvis
+1  A: 

Since I lurk on the Boost Developers' mailing list, I tend to become informed of interesting new developments in the Standard that way. There is usually an announcement of some kind by the folks who are both in Boost and on the committee, and this usually prompts me to look at the committee papers, and also provides for some very interesting informed discussion.

Kaz Dragon