I've been meaning to figure out how to write packages but haven't invested the time. For each of my mini-projects I keep all of my low-level functions in a folder called 'functions/', and source them into a separate namespace that I explicitly create.
The following lines of code will create an environment named "myfuncs" on the search path if it doesn't already exist (using attach), and populate it with the functions contained in the .r files in my 'functions/' directory (using sys.source). I usually put these lines at the top of my main script meant for the "user interface" from which high-level functions (invoking the low-level functions) are called.
if( length(grep("^myfuncs$",search()))==0 )
for( f in list.files("functions","\\.r$",full=TRUE) )
When you make changes you can always re-source it with the same lines, or use something like
evalq(f <- function(x) x * 2, pos.to.env(grep("^myfuncs$",search())))
to evaluate additions/modifications in the environment you created.
It's kludgey I know, but avoids having to be too formal about it (but if you get the chance I do encourage the package system - hopefully I will migrate that way in the future).
As for coding conventions, this is the only thing I've seen regarding aesthetics (I like them and loosely follow but I don't use too many curly braces in R):
There are other "conventions" regarding the use of [,drop=FALSE] and <- as the assignment operator suggested in various presentations (usually keynote) at the useR! conferences, but I don't think any of these are strict (though the [,drop=FALSE] is useful for programs in which you are not sure of the input you expect).