Hi Guys,
I'm new to CouchDB and I know my mindset is probably still too much in the relational DB sphere, but here goes:
It appears that querying on Couch is all done via Views. I read that temporary views are very inefficient and should be avoided in production.
So my question really is how would one do effective querying with parameters (as the views do not accept them). For example if I were to use Couch to power a blog site would I have to create a new view for each post equivalent to 'select post from posts where id=1'.
I understand that I can use lucene along side the querying to perfom a full text search on the results, but this is only really useful for textual content not numbers.
Im happy creating a boat load of static views as they can be created very simply on the fly. My worry is that this is not how Couch was supposed to be used and I'm missing something. Feel free to enlighten me.
Cheers, Chris.