Well, it's actually the sum of an array of NSDecimalNumbers I'd like to get the absolute value of... I constantly feel like I'm fighting the framework with all the conversions & typecasting that are required...from double to NSNumber to NSDecimalNumber and back and...all while trying to maintain the precision that NSDecimalNumber affords. The following works but is there an easier way that avoids all this conversion & type casting?
NSNumber *totalAmt = [customObjectArray valueForKeyPath:@"@sum.decimalNumberValue"];
NSString *totalAmtString = [currencyFormatter stringFromNumber:[NSNumber numberWithDouble:fabs([totalAmt doubleValue])]];
sectionLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Total: %@", totalAmtString];
perhaps I could alter the NSNumberFormatter (currencyFormatter) to ignore the - sign?