



Does anyone know if I use emoji unicode in an app's view if Apple considers this out of bounds? I'm not asking about enabling emoji or selling an app that is meant to enable emoji.

And example of the code - which is placing an NSString into a tableViewCell NSLabel:

if([combatCurrentHp intValue] <= [combatMaxHp intValue] / 2) {
    characterStats = [characterStats stringByAppendingString:@" \uE022"];

This makes an emoji heart appear in the string. Do you guys know if there is a hard and fast rule on if that would get kicked back out of the app store?

+1  A: 

I've seen applications that use the Emoji codepoints in the App Store, but I'm not sure if it's permitted or those apps just snuck through. I don't think there is a strict policy on this.

Enabling the emoji keyboard however is forbidden.

I just wanted to follow up and say that I have yet to have any trouble with using emoji (or any unicode for that matter) in my apps. So it looks like it's a safe and quick way to add a splash of color if you need it.
Kevin Beck