




I have created a wsp package and add it to CentralAdministration> Operations> Solution Management using addsolution command of stsadm. Now when I click on Deploy Solution menu, it taransfer me to deploy solution page. In this page ,in "Deploy To?" section, it shows me dropdown list with entries like 'All Content web Applications'. But I want to deploy my solution globally so that it is applicable to all new web applications created after the deployment. I have seen WSPs for which "Deploy To?" section shows only a message like "This solution deploys globally" and no dropdown list. Please let me know how to make that kind of wsp.


+4  A: 

"Globally deployed" only applies to WSP files that don't have web controls and web parts in them. These cannot be "Globally deployed", because the web.config of the web application you choose to deploy to is changed, i.e. entries are inserted in order to register your .dll's containing web controls and web parts.

+1 "Globally deployed" is a WSP made up of a DLL only and no other artifacts.
Alex Angas

I think you need to install it into the GAC - However here's a more informed answer:

C:>stsadm.exe -o deploysolution -name MossSolution.wsp -immediate -allowgacdeployment

this will deploy it globally. i will check some time later for allcontenturl. i have couple of batch files to deploy WSP files at some customers. i will check them to see again in which scenario we used allcontenturl. but my above reply about not specifying a URL is correct that in case when WSP contains only dll for GAC, you should not specify a URL.

from this thread on the forums



I am creating a WSP solution file for one of my WebPart project. I want to deploy my resource files under 80/WPRESOURCES directory instead of 12 Hives and application 80/resource directory but unable to create manifest and ddf files for it. Do you have you any idea about it ???

Note: If i am using tag in manifest then it creates my deployment folder under 80/resources directory and if using in manifest then it creates my deployment folder structure under 12 hive directory. Please suggest me...

Thank you, Saurabh Kumar Singh

Saurabh, this is not a discussion forum. Ask a question and someone should be able to help.
Alex Angas

Hi, I want to create site from site template (.wsp) file. I want to add .wsp files to sharepoint 2010 site programmatilcally. Is there any command line statement to do this? Can anyone help me on this.
