



I'm looking for a crypto library to use with Objective-C code. There is a C++ library which is too big for my needs. It's 20 mb when compiled. I think a C library would be perfect to use with Objective-C. Here is my needs for this library: AES (Rijndael) CFB Mode SHA1 SHA256 HMAC-SHA1 HMAC-SHA256 PBKDF2

Your help will be greatly appreciated.

+6  A: 

I link against OpenSSL for cryptography in my Objective-C projects. If you're using OS X, this is already installed on every user's machine. There's also a cocoa framework called SSCrypto which provides Objective-C wrappers for openssl, which makes the C-based openssl library a little easier to use.

Jarret Hardie
+2  A: 

The usual/official way to do this is to #import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>, which is the CommonCrypto library. Then, you can use functions like CC_MD5(), CC_SHA(), CC_HMac(), etc.

The CommonCrypto man page has links to all the available functions.

Matt Ball